The Cardaes Convent is one of the only living monuments in the city of Lisbon.
Since 1878 it has been the home of women with special needs.
Every year, between November and December, a Solidarity Tea is organized to raise funds that have helped the Nossa Senhora Consoladora dos Aflitos Association to continue to take care of this community, but also to preserve the historical and artistic heritage in its custody.
This year the proceeds from the Solidarity Tea will revert to the renovation of the Church and Sacristy of the Convent. In addition to lighting these spaces with dignity again, it is intended to make the Convent more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
The Solidarity Tea will take place between November 9th and December 15th, on the weekend in the afternoon. Volunteering will start at 2:30 pm and end around 7:30 pm.
The tasks range from waiting tables, lifting the dishes and setting up tables, etc.
Environment, Culture and Arts, Social Solidarity
Adults with Disabilities, People with mental illness