The VITA Group is an impartial, autonomous and independent group, which aims to welcome, listen, monitor and prevent situations of sexual violence against children and vulnerable adults in the context of the Catholic Church in Portugal, in a logic of systemic intervention.<brThe VITA Group adopts an inclusive position and respect for diversity, without discrimination based on ancestry, sex, gender, ethnicity, language, territory of origin, religion, or lack thereof, political or ideological beliefs, education, economic situation, social condition, gender identity and expression or sexual orientation.<brThe VITA Group aims to create and consolidate specialized responses, train and develop resources, as well as develop the necessary procedures for the prevention of situations of sexual violence against children and vulnerable adults, in close coordination with the National Coordination Team of Diocesan Commissions, Diocesan Commissions, Institutes of Consecrated Life, Societies of Apostolic Life and other ecclesiastical structures.<br
Adults, Children and young people at risk